124 pages, 15 × 18 cm
83 colour and 8 b/w illustrations
Brochure in cover
CHF 36.00 / EUR 26.00

German ISBN 978-3-907631-29-4

Edited by: Stiftung Fotodokumentation Kanton Luzern
Articles by: Katalin M. Gyöngy, Lisa Schmuckli

Jesco Tscholitsch und Mario Kunz – Inszenierungen

Jesco Tscholitsch has designed and alienated his own biography in hyper-realistic colour photographs. Mario Kunz has revealed what should really remain concealed in his scenic photographs of camouflaged military buildings.

Edited by: Stiftung Fotodokumentation Kanton Luzern
Articles by: Katalin M. Gyöngy, Lisa Schmuckli