104 pages, 17 × 22 cm
63 illustrations, plans and diagramms
Thread-stitched brochure
CHF 34.00 / EUR 31.00

English ISBN 978-3-03761-023-7

German ISBN 978-3-03761-019-0

Edited by: Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – School of Engineering and Architecture
Articles by: Andri Gerber, Tina Unruh, Dieter Geissbühler

Researching Architecture

The second volume of the Laboratorium series takes a stance in the widespread discussion on research and the creative process of archi-tecture. Examples are used to show how individual insight can be applied to the design process, thereby making it communicable.

Edited by: Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – School of Engineering and Architecture
Articles by: Andri Gerber, Tina Unruh, Dieter Geissbühler